You might have thought that the local election season was over, but you still have the opportunity to cast two more votes: (1) 2018 slate of officers for the Finger Lakes Runners Club’s Board of Directors, and (2) FLRC volunteer of the year. (We’re sure you couldn’t be more excited!)

Please direct your votes to secretary@fingerlakesrunners.
(1) 2018 slate of officers (all are volunteer positions—these are the go-to workhorses of the club). Here’s how the election works: The 2017 Board of Directors presents the slate below for 2018. You can vote it up in its entirety, vote it down in its entirety, vote it up generally but reserve your vote for one or more candidates, and/or provide write-ins for any position (making sure that your write-in candidate would accept the position if elected).
Vote for one person in each of the following positions:
President: Denice Cassaro
Executive VP: Mickie Sanders-Jauquet
VP Trails: Gary McCheyne
VP Roads: Alan Lockett
VP Track: Adam Engst
Treasurer: Mike Allinger
Secretary: Nancy Kleinrock
Members-at-Large (vote for up to 10; accepting write-ins up to 12):
Sue Aigen
Lesa Carter
Tonya Engst
Emily Funk
Rich Heffron
Pete Kresock
Daniel Longaker
Steve Shaum
Gerrit Van Loon
Scott Wehrwein
(2) 2017 Volunteer of the Year: As 2017 comes to a close, it is time to consider who among us have contributed most substantially to the fun and smooth functioning of the Finger Lakes Runners Club. If you have in mind a volunteer who has gone above-and-beyond this year, now is the time to weigh in. (Note that the following folks are not eligible, as they have won this award within the last 5 years: Katie Stettler, Steve Shaum, Gerrit Van Loon, Carl Franck, Adam Engst, Gary McCheyne, and Joel Cisne.) The following individuals have been nominated by club members and/or Board members. Feel free to vote for one of these deserving people or write in one of your own. (These are listed alphabetically, so please peruse the entire list!) Again, please direct your votes to secretary@fingerlakesrunners.
Tonya Engst: Tonya was this year’s chief cheerleader, encouraging women to train for and participate in the Hartshorne Masters Mile and the Mithical Miles series, and organizing the women’s cross-country team and associated group runs. Tonya also volunteered at a number of club races.
Ian Golden: Although Ian produces races for a profit, he also contribute considerable resources to our community.
Andy Jordan: For at least the past six years, Andy has directed the Danby Down & Dirty, carrying on the tradition of creating a frolicking fun time in the fall for area runners.
Pete Kresock: A member-at-large on the Board, FLRC’s new social media coordinator keeps folks in the know regarding the club’s happenings. Pete has also helped with finish line duties and contributed significantly to the success of the Finger Lakes 50s by helping to weedwhack, mark, and check over the course and by working at an aid station on race day.
Mickie Saunders-Jaucquet: FLRC’s outgoing president presided over the club for the past three years and instituted changes that have helped the club become a more organized, functional, and well-structured organization. Mickie has also been active in marketing the club, organizing the picnic, and stepping up to do jobs that fall outside the purview of any specified Board role.
Scott Wehrwein: Despite being largely injured throughout the year, Scott faithfully served on the Board as member-at-large (as he has during most of his grad school stint) and volunteered at nearly every race and track meet the club put on. Notable volunteer efforts included finish line timing for most events and working alongside the Finger Lakes 50s race director for four days straight (marking the course, registration, aid station, prerace setup, postrace cleanup, assisting with equipment, getting the beer).
We Look forward to hearing from you with your votes before December 15!