Check out Barton Hall’s new track in FLRC first indoor meet of 2017!

It may be cold and snowy outside, but you can run in shorts at the the first FLRC indoor track meet of the year on Sunday, January 15th at Cornell’s newly renovated Barton Hall. Runners of all ages and abilities are welcome!

Bib pickup starts at 8:00 AM and ends at 8:40 AM, with the first event starting at 9:00 AM. Registration is free for FLRC members and for non-members costs only $3 for students and $5 for adults. Day-of-meet registration is available, but is discouraged and costs $10 for everyone.

If you want to run, please pre-register at DirectAthletics and enter your estimated seed times now so we don’t have any delays in starting the meet.

The schedule of events for this month is as follows:

  • 5000m
  • 60m
  • 400m
  • 1 mile
  • 400-200-200-800m relay (sign up on a relay card at the meet)

More info and registration…

2017 Finger Lakes Runners Club Election: Vote Now!

You might have thought the election season was over, but no! It is now time to cast your vote for the 2017 slate of officers for the Finger Lakes Runners Club.

Here’s how it works: The Board of Directors presents the slate below. You can vote it up in its entirety, vote it down in its entirety, vote it up generally but reserve your vote for one or more candidates, and/or provide write-ins for any position (making sure that your write-in candidate would accept the position if elected).

Vote for one person in each of the following positions:

  • President: Mickie Sanders-Jauquet
    Executive VP: Denice Cassaro
    VP Trails: Joel Cisne
    VP Roads: Alan Lockett
    VP Track: Adam Engst
    Treasurer: Mike Allinger
    Secretary: Nancy Kleinrock

Members-at-Large (vote for up to 10; accepting write-ins up to 12):

  • Sue Aigen
    Harris Bockol
    Maria Costanzo
    Pete Kresock
    Daniel Longaker
    Gary McCheyne
    Bruce Roebal
    Steve Shaum
    Gerrit Van Loon
    Scott Wehrwein

Please direct your votes to on or before December 15 (no votes will be accepted after that date) and include your name for membership verification. We appreciate your membership in the club and your participation in the selection of its governing board.

With best wishes for the holiday season,
–The FLRC Board of Directors