Runners, It’s Time To Get Your Track On!

Registration is now open for FLRC’s three winter track meets and the Hartshorne Memorial Masters Mile! The schedule is:

If you’d like to join our MITHACAL MILERS training group on Tuesdays at 7 PM at Barton Hall, the kickoff time trial will be on Tuesday, December 18 (the next two Tuesdays are off due to holidays; we may do a one-off session on Thursday, January 3 if enough people are up for it). The time trial
and training group are free, but you must register on Webscorer to sign the waiver and be enter into the system for timing.

One final note: We sometimes hear from people that they don’t run track because they’re too slow, or they’d be intimidated. Let’s make it painfully clear—all of FLRC’s track meets, including the Hartshorne Memorial Masters Mile, are open to ALL runners, regardless of age or ability. (Well, you do have to be over 40 for Hartshorne, since it’s a masters-only event, but we often have 80- and 90-year-olds running.)

We seed all our races by your predicted time, so you’ll always be running with people of roughly similar pace, and we’re supportive of every runner, whether you’re in the slowest heat or the fastest, whether you’re winning your heat or coming at the end. And by “we,” we mean the meet as a whole: volunteers, runners, coaches, and spectators alike.

Ithaca has a great running community, and we’d love to have you join us for some fun on the track this winter.