Go long (25K), longer (50K), or longest (50M) in this internationally recognized ultramarathon at the Finger Lakes National Forest in Hector, NY.
Twilight 5K 2023
RESCHEDULED FOR JUNE 21! Run along the scenic shores of Allan H. Treman State Park and Cass Park as the sun sets over Cayuga Lake.
Thom B Trail Runs 2023
Enjoy the spring leaves while running one, two, or three loops at the Hammond Hill State Forest.
Women’s Distance Festival 5K 2023
A celebration of women’s distance running, held on Mothers Day!
Skunk Cabbage Classic 2023
FLRC's marquee road race sends up to 1,000 runners coursing through Ellis Hollow just as the spring shoots start to emerge.
March 2023 Indoor Track Meet
Test your fitness while staying warm and dry in FLRC’s indoor track meets at Cornell’s Barton Hall.
February 2023 Indoor Track Meet
Test your fitness while staying warm and dry in FLRC’s indoor track meets at Cornell’s Barton Hall.
Super Frosty Loomis 2023
Strap on your snowshoes and conquer the cold on Hammond Hill in the Ithaca area’s only snowshoe race.
Winter Chill 5K #4 2023
Finish off the Winter Chill series with a course PR and celebrate with FLRC afterward!
Winter Chill 5K #3 2023
Two down, two to go. How many runners will complete all four?