Home | Swag | Courses | Prizes | Timing | Rules | 100K Ultra Challenge
The 3.1-mile Lakefront Loops 5K course starts between the Cass Park Rink and the Hangar Theatre and sends runners around two loops, one jutting out into the lake in the Allan H. Treman State Marine Park and the other in Cass Park around the soccer fields near the skating rink. There’s also an out-and-back along the Waterfront Trail in Cass Park to pick up the rest of the 5K distance, which was measured with a wheel for accuracy. Results | Posts
As with the Sweet 1600, you can submit results for this course from any 5K race or timed parkrun anywhere in the world (runs of the correct distance outside of a race don’t count). That way, if you’re traveling outside of the area on vacation, you can record some Challenge efforts. Be sure to submit a race report with photos to get your stars too!
- Google Maps pin showing the start/finish
- Course map
- RunGo directions (for iOS, Android, or Apple Watch)
- Bathrooms: You can use the bathrooms in the Cass Park Rink, entering either through the main entrance or the doors on the north side.

Course Instructions
Start at the sign about halfway down the parking lot north of the Cass Park Rink, facing west toward Route 89.

- Run north around the perimeter of the lakefront trails, avoiding the little dead-end from last year’s course. You can go either direction; RunGo has you going counterclockwise.
- When you get back to Allan Treman Park Road just after the dog park, take a left on the Waterfront Trail. This is a change from the original directions!
- Follow the Waterfront Trail around the fields, taking a left on the first bridge you get to.
- Turn around just before the wooden post with a green telecommunications box on your left, roughly across from the yurt at the Children’s Garden. It now sports a stripe of blue flagging tape!
- Once you cross the bridge on the way back, turn left and follow the paved trail back around the skating rink to the start/finish.