FLRC Challenge: Lindsay-Parsons

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The 4.3-mile Lindsay-Parsons course is a good ways south of Ithaca on West Danby Road at the Lindsay-Parsons Biodiversity Preserve, managed by the Finger Lakes Land Trust. There are roughly four loops of trails, but to get the distance up to 4.3 miles, we retrace our steps several times where the loops connect. Don’t even attempt this course the first time without a printout of the course map or the RunGo app!

Note that the cellular service at Lindsay-Parsons is weak, so Webscorer may not be able to post your results when you’re there, and you may need to post once you’re back in a service area. Instructions for this are at the bottom of the Timing page. Also, when posting fails, there is currently (April 24) a bug in the Android version of Webscorer that may display a dialog implying you need the Pro version. That’s not true—just stay on that screen and post again when you get home. That bug should be fixed in the next few weeks. Results | Posts