We’re batting 1.000 for the season with wet and muddy race day trail conditions! We had participants ranging in age from seven to seventy-two. Kudos to all the tortoises and hares that weren’t put off by a little rain and mud this morning, and congrats to all you first time off-roaders who weren’t afraid to dirty your shoes. (We know you’ll be back for more!) Several Tortoise & Hare veterans commented afterward that the rain didn’t negatively affect the course at all.
Results have been posted to our website, with more detailed results available on Webscorer.
Ved Gund took the men’s win in a blazing fast 45:36. He claims it was his first ever trail race, but we’re more than a bit skeptical given the stellar performance :). Melissa Hubisz hustled to break the one hour mark and take the women’s win in 59:47. It was a solid outing for Team Hubisz, as Jay took second overall in 47:51. (People were asking if Ved broke the course record, but the record still stands with Nate Lockett’s 40:58 from 2008.)
Joel Cisne almost looked like a hare even after racing the Ithaca Festival Mile on Friday night, followed by the Cayuga Trails Marathon on Saturday. After declaring the marathon “just a fun run,” Joel still had the energy to MC the Tortoise & Hare awards presentation.
A big pat on the back to all who voluntarily soaked themselves to help make the race possible, and a shout out to our community sponsor GreenStar Natural Foods Market for providing some finish line grub.
On deck we have the Tanglefoot Trail Runs on June 18, followed closely by the sold out Finger Lakes 50s on July 1. The 50s waitlist is pretty deep, but if you’d like to lend a hand we could certainly use a few more volunteers. Let us know!