Happy runners — what a way to bring in the spring! Seasoned veterans, new trail runners, longtime locals, and fresh visitors gathered to celebrate the dawn of trail season and honor the memory of Thom Bugliosi.
Mr. Hector and Miss Management have exercised their privilege to postpone the formal race report, though results have been posted to our webpage.
Extra thanks to our committed volunteers–Amelia for appearing at stupid o’clock to set up aid stations, Harris for parking and finish line detail, Adam and Bob for finish and results tallies, the Hammond Hill Social Club for course markings, Scotie for taking the ultra win and sticking around to help break things down, Gary for equipment support, and Miss Management for keeping Mr. Hector honest and above-board. Cheers go to “Dump Truck” Rossiter, who celebrated his official final trail race with us today–though Team Atrocious may see him out again ere long for the Finger Lakes Triennial Relay this coming September…
With gratitude for each and every runner who joined today — may peace and flow follow us all on the solitude of happy trails ’til next year
~~ Joel & Shelly