Good day, runners! We’re pleased to announce that registration is open for Super Frosty Loomis 1, FLRC’s annual 5K and 10K snowshoe race at Hammond Hill on Saturday, February 6th (with a no-snow makeup date of February 13th).
If you don’t have snowshoes, we’ll have 20 pairs available to rent for $5, and we may have a few additional pairs available for borrowing. Each distance is limited to 20 runners to comply with COVID-19 restrictions. There will be a wait list. Since parking is limited and others may be using the parking lot to access the trails, please make every effort to park close to the car next to you to leave as many possible parking spaces as we can.
Masks are required at all times when you’re not running, and please maintain at least 6 feet of distance from others whenever possible. If we can get Internet access, live results will be available, and results will be posted on the FLRC site after the race. We’ll hand out awards to age-group winners at the finish. Sadly, the warming hut won’t be available for runners this year, nor can we have a post-race awards ceremony at the Dryden Hotel.
Per FLRC policy, all runners must abide by these COVID-19 safety precautions:
- Online pre-registration is required (there is no day of race registration!), and you must be able to respond affirmatively to the safety questions asked during registration.
- If you feel in the slightest bit ill or are running a temperature, stay home!
- Make sure to bring a mask or buff.
- Bring your own hand sanitizer or sanitizing wipes.
- A porta-potty will be available, but try to use the bathroom before leaving for the race.
- Please do not carpool to the race with people who are not part of your household.
- Plan to arrive at least 30 minutes before the race; bib pickup may be slower than normal.
- At all times before the race, you must wear a mask and maintain a minimum of 6 feet from other participants. Stay warm in your car or by jogging.
- Wear your mask at the starting line and, once the race begins, until you have established some distance from others around you. At that point, you may remove your mask but must keep it available for quick re-application as needed.
- There will be no aid stations. Bring your own food and liquids.
Finally, please note that if a runner doesn’t comply with FLRC’s COVID-19 Race Safety Precautions as outlined above, the race director should be notified and will reiterate the guidelines to the person in question. If that person fails to comply, they will be asked to leave. If they continue to defy the race director’s request, they will be disqualified from the race and reported to the FLRC board for possible banning from future club events.