Coaches Adam Engst and Jason Tuori are coordinating another MITHACAL MILERS group as part of the Family Running Program on Tuesday nights at 6 PM. We’ll be meeting in the bowl of the Cornell Arboretum off Forest Home Drive (see picture below or try this link). All ages and abilities are welcome, although you should be comfortable running at least 3 miles.

The program is free to all FLRC members (if you’re not already a member, you can join here), but you must sign this waiver online.
Because this MITHACAL MILERS group is part of the FLRC Family Running Program, parents who are participating in the workout are welcome to bring kids ages 7+ to work out (separately) as well. We’ll have running-related games and exercises for the kids. This is not a drop-off program, and all children must be accompanied by an adult.
Adult workouts will be focused on the 5K to 10K distance for cross-country season, and they will include intervals on grass and hills. Any questions, ask Adam Engst.