FLRC Group Runs bring together runners for fun, fitness, and camaraderie. Everyone is welcome, regardless of age or ability! We have weekend runs, Tuesday workouts, and other opportunities coming soon. Read below for more info!
FLRC offers a wide variety of group runs, so look in the Group Runs & Workouts forum for what’s happening each week. Below is a quick overview:
- Weekend group runs: In 2024, we are doing more group runs than ever before! For any weekend when the club is not putting on a race, we are having a group run. Most of these runs are an hour-long out and back: 30 minutes out on a designated “course” and 30 minutes back, so everyone starts and ends together for social time—and snacks!
- Tuesday night workouts: We try to create workouts where people who run at different speeds can all have a real workout—and participate together. We train for cross-country racing (5K–8K) in the fall, the mile in the winter, and general speed in the summer. See the Weeknight Group Workouts page for more.
You need to sign a one-time waiver for all in-person FLRC group runs for 2024.
For questions, or to help with a run, contact FLRC Group Run director Heather Cobb.