In our ongoing FLRC Presents series, ultrarunner and Leadville 100 Champion Katie Arnold will discuss her memoir Running Home and answer your questions about competing, raising adventurous children, and more! This is a joint presentation with the Trails Collective.
Katie Arnold is a contributing editor at Outside Magazine, where she worked on staff for twelve years. Her Raising Rippers column about bringing up adventurous, outdoor children appears monthly on Outside Online. She has written for The New York Times, Travel + Leisure, Sunset, Runner’s World, ESPN: The Magazine, Elle, and many others, and her narrative nonfiction has been recognized by Best American Sportswriting. Arnold is the Leadville Trail 100 Run women’s champion. She lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico, with her husband and two daughters.
In this free Zoom conversation between Katie, the Trails Collective’s Grayce Langheine, and FLRC member Nichole Cappadora, listeners will have a chance to ask Katie for her advice and tips! Join us on Thursday, March 25th at 8 PM at either the Trails Collective’s YouTube channel or Facebook page, and bring your questions for Katie. No registration is necessary.
We’ll post a recording of the talk the next day for those who have schedule conflicts with the live presentation.