Keep getting those jabs—fully vaccinated people can now go maskless at all FLRC events! Speaking of which, things are getting back to normal.
- Results are in from the Women’s Distance Festival 5K and Thom B Trail Runs.
- Our next races are Tortoise & Hare on 6/6 and the Finger Lakes 50s on 7/3.
- It’s never too late to join the FLRC Challenge or FLRC Kids Challenge!
- Will you do us a favor and host an FLRC Challenge lawn sign in your yard?
- Run with us on our first and third Saturday group runs on FLRC Challenge courses!
On to the details!
Women’s Distance Festival kicks off FLRC’s spring racing season
Thanks to race directors Lorrie Tily and Chris Irving for our first spring race of the year, the Women’s Distance Festival 5K on May 9th. 73 runners returned to Dryden Lake Park (plus two who ran the race virtually from Germany) to run a new out-and-back course on the Jim Schug Trail. Margaret Geary won in 20:29, Murphee Hayes topped the masters category, and Michelle Dardia took home the 60+ title. Full results here.
Thanks to the volunteers who ensured a smooth race, with Joe Reynolds , Tamara Loos , and Dave Vernon acting as course marshalls and Francine Barchett, Adam Engst , Bob Talda , and Bill Watson managing timing and the finish line.
Thom B. Trail Runs send 82 runners looping around Hammond Hill
Race directors Gary McCheyne and Joel Cisne had to adjust the course for the Thom B. Trail Runs to start and finish by the Hammond Hill parking lot, but that didn’t stop runners from laying down some fast times on May 22nd. Adam Pacheck dominated the field in the 8.5-mile race with a 51:26 time that outpaced 14-year-old Nathan Triner by 10 minutes. Ellie Pell took first for the women (and fourth overall) with 1:03:29, ahead of Jullien Flynn. In the two-loop 17-mile race, Rich Heffron’s 2:05:39 was even more dominant, outpacing Mike Stewart in second by over 25 minutes. Capri May and Tanya Kelly-Hadley were one-two for the women, with Capri’s 2:48:01 also putting her fifth overall. Finally, in the marathon, Scotie Jacobs ran an impressive 3:50:45 for the win. 28 minutes later, Jamal Diboun (the brother of Yassine Diboun, a nationally recognized ultra runner and friend of FLRC) outkicked Heather Horth for second overall by less than 10 seconds, but Heather still took the women’s title with 4:19:01. Full results here.
Special thanks to Dave Kania and Eric Sambolec, who marked the course (and whose course markings remain if you want to run the course on your own or as part of the FLRC Challenge). Jessica Kerns baked the prize pies and Pete Kresock helped design the new marathon baby loop. Other volunteers who spent their entire morning making the race possible included aid station helpers Michelle Dardia, Sarah Dellet, Diana Hackett, and Stephanie Mulinos, along with the timing team of Heather Cobb, Adam Engst, Mickie Sanders-Jauquet, and Bob Talda.
Upcoming Races: Tortoise & Hare and FL50s
Check the FLRC website for our racing calendar—with the exception of the Twilight 5K and our June track meet, we hope to be holding the rest of our races this year. Next up is Mickie Sanders-Jauquet’s Tortoise & Hare, which will return to its traditional course at Buttermilk State Park on June 6th. Following that on July 3rd is the FLRC’s marquee ultra, the Finger Lakes 50s, now headed by Pete Dady and Mike Stone. There are still a few slots open in the 50K and 50-mile races, and it’s worth getting on the waiting list if you want to run the 25K, since a few spots usually open up.
If you’d like a printed calendar of the rest of FLRC’s race schedule, you can now download a PDF version. And if you could post a copy on any bulletin boards you see regularly, we’d appreciate it!
FLRC Challenge sees the first FLRC 100K Ultra Challenge finisher!
Nearly 160 runners are now participating in the FLRC Challenge as a way to get motivated to run in 2021. So far, 17 runners have completed all ten courses, with more lining up to receive their medal every week. After just 14 weeks, we’ve run over 7000 miles total!
Kudos to Jesse Canfield, who was the first to complete the FLRC 100K Ultra Challenge, running all ten courses in a single day. It took him 13:27, and he shared some notes on the FLRC Forum about what it was like to run through the night and into the heat of the day.
Tune into the improved FLRC Challenge leaderboard to see how each day’s results change the standings for individuals and the 10-year age-group teams. Overall, Adam Pacheck has eight top rankings with two courses left to go for the men, whereas Gabrielle Woo is sitting pretty atop the women’s standings after completing all ten of her courses. Aaron King remains the Most Miles leader, though Heather Cobb has vowed to give him a run for his money after she runs a 50K in Wisconsin. The Age Grade competition is heating up, with Caitlin Loehr in first, but Jean-Luc Jannink and Klaas Van Wijk close behind in second and third.
Can you help promote FLRC and the FLRC Challenge?
A lot of people in the greater Ithaca area run without ever knowing about FLRC. In an effort to promote the club and the FLRC Challenge, we’ve designed 18-by-24-inch lawn signs. Will you host a sign for us on your lawn? It’s a great way to show that you’re a runner and encourage those who run or drive by your house to check out FLRC and the Challenge. It’s totally free, and we’ll even install the sign for you if you want. Sign up here!

FLRC Kids Challenge continues to encourage family and youth running
FLRC’s partnership with the Ithaca Youth Bureau on the free, age-appropriate, and non-competitive FLRC Kids Challenge has resulted in 49 kids running over 500 miles so far. Toby K. was the first to reach the 50-mile mark and get a social media shout-out from IYB and FLRC, and five more kids have received their virtual race bibs for joining the 25-Mile Club: Aidan L., Arya B., Felix T., Hannah S., and Lea T. Check out the FLRC Kids Challenge Dashboard to follow their achievements!
Bi-weekly group runs focus on exploring FLRC Challenge courses
Happy (Satur)days—group runs are going strong! On the first and third Saturdays of each month, Heather Cobb has been leading group runs, with attendance growing from 5 to 18 runners over the last few runs. The group runs help introduce runners to the FLRC Challenge courses and some of the area’s most gorgeous trails. The next group run is scheduled for Saturday, June 5th at 8:30 AM at the start of the Tortoise & Hare course, and Mickie Sanders-Jauquet is organizing a special nod to the Twilight 5K with a group run on Wednesday, June 16th at 7 PM on the FLRC Challenge Waterfront Trail course. Check the Group Runs & Workouts forum for future locations and join us!
Until next time, keep getting those vaccinations and join us for a run!
—Adam Engst, FLRC President and VP of Track