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The 4.6-mile Taughannock Rim & Falls course brings one of the Ithaca area’s most iconic views to the FLRC Challenge—Taughannock Falls! There will be some steep ascents and descents, so be careful, but you’ll also get to see the falls both from the bottom and the scenic overlook. If you want to run this course on a weekend day, we recommend sticking with the morning because the Gorge Trail can get crowded.
For post-run food, check out the many options available in downtown Trumansburg, including (as you drive west on Main Street) Not My Dad’s Soft Serve, Falls Restaurant, Byrne Dairy and Deli, Little Venice, Wok This Way, Trumansburg Main Street Market, Gimme Coffee, Creekside Cafe, New York Pizzeria, Garrett’s Brewing Company, Ron Don’s Village Pub, and Atlas Bowl.
Start at the Taughannock Falls Overlook Visitors Center, where there’s free parking and bathrooms.

Turn-by-turn RunGo directions are available; you can view them online and download them to the RunGo app on your smartphone (iOS or Android) or Apple Watch. Alternatively, follow these basic directions on the course map to run counter-clockwise:
- From the Visitors Center, head southwest on the North Rim Trail.
- At the top of the park, turn left and cross the bridge to the South Rim Trail.
- When you get to the bottom of the park on the South Rim Trail—be careful on all the stairs!—take a hard left onto the Gorge Trail.
- Run up the Gorge Trail to the near side of the bridge at the base of the falls. (If you’re not going for a fast time, feel free to stop your watch briefly and enjoy the view.)
- Retrace your steps down the Gorge Trail, turning left at the bottom (go across the grass, rather than through the parking lot) and running along the sidewalk on Route 96 to cross the bridge.
- Turn left onto the North Rim Trail, being careful on the stairs, and run back to the Visitors Center.