You know you should be incorporating strength work into your training to run faster and avoid injury. But gyms are closed and who wants to touch a weight machine anyway?
To help our local running community get stronger, run better, and stay healthier, FLRC is organizing a 4-week class of twice-weekly outdoor bodyweight training sessions. Sessions will be led by professional strength and conditioning instructors from Infinity Athletics. The 8-session class costs $96 ($12 per session).
The class size is limited to 15 people. If at least 9 people sign up in time, the first session will be Wednesday, August 5th at 6:00 PM at the Stewart Park flagpole 4, followed by Friday, August 7th at 6:00 PM, also at the Stewart Park flagpole. The remaining six sessions will be Mondays and Wednesdays at the Stewart Park flagpole, all at 6:00 PM. Register today! 25 We’ll have a waiting list if necessary, and if there’s sufficient interest, we may start another class.

Sessions will begin with active mobility exercises to help increase joint range of motion. Then the workouts will move into dynamic exercises to increase heart rate and stimulate the central nervous system. The second part of the workouts will always include strength and bodyweight circuits comprising slow eccentric and isometric exercises to help participants get the most out of bodyweight training. Typically, we’ll finish with some core exercises.
To ensure the safety of all participants and the instructors, FLRC has come up with the following requirements:
- Online signup is required to manage group size and ensure data gathering in the event that contact tracing becomes necessary. Drop-ins are expressly not allowed.
- During signup and at every session, participants must agree to the following statements:
- I do not currently feel ill, and I will not attend any session if I do.
- I am not currently running an above-normal temperature, and I will not attend any sessions if my temperature is above normal.
- In the past 14 days, I have not traveled outside New York State.
- In the past 14 days, to the best of my knowledge, I have not been exposed to a person who has tested positive for COVID-19.
- In the past 14 days, I have not tested positive for COVID-19.
- Everyone involved in the sessions, participants and instructors alike, must maintain at least 10–12 feet of distance from all other people at all times. More distance is better, within the bounds of being able to hear the instructor. There is to be no physical contact of any kind.
- Everyone must have a mask with them at all times and must put it on if proximity to another person drops below 10–12 feet for any reason. Masks do not need to be worn during exercise, but it’s entirely acceptable to wear one if it doesn’t impair breathing.
- Participants are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer and use it before and after sessions. But there shouldn’t be any touching of shared surfaces.
- An FLRC rep will take attendance in case contact tracing is required.
- The FLRC rep will verbally review the safety requirements before each session.
Any questions? Feel free to ask on the FLRC forum!