Author: Adam Engst

Trackapalooza Invitational Sees Unprecedentedly Close Finishes

The second year of our Trackapalooza Invitational track meet was again a success, with glorious summer weather on the scenic Lansing High School track. Full results are now available on the FLRC website, along with some meet photos from runner Sarah Woodyear when she wasn’t competing. If you have any photos of the meet, please… Read more »

FLRC’s June Track Meet Sees Fast Times Despite Record Heat

Well, that was a hot one! With temperatures in the 90s, our first summer track meet drew fewer people than it sometimes does, but those who braved the heat (and enjoyed the extra shade and hose sprinkler) ran, threw, and jumped well. We had 90 athletes and 185 event participations. Full results are available on… Read more »

New Skunk Courses a Success for 725 Runners on a Gorgeous Day

Oh, for the day! We couldn’t have asked for better weather for Skunk Cabbage this year, and nearly 80 volunteers worked together to put on a highly successful race. Attendance continues to move toward pre-pandemic numbers, with 851 registrants and 725 finishers enjoying our new courses, an increase of 22% from last year. The 10K… Read more »

FLRC’s March Track Meet Draws Near-Record Numbers

Our March track meet is usually the smallest of the indoor season, but despite the slight confusion presented by Daylight Saving Time, it was by far our largest of the year and one of our largest ever, with 248 athletes and numerous spectators. This month, a record 13 teams competed, including St. Dominic’s Academy from… Read more »

FLRC’s 2023 Accomplishments

For those who just run a race or two each year, FLRC can be a bit of an iceberg, with a lot more happening under the water than is obvious. The club had an amazing 2023, coordinating a race or a group run every weekend, along with a coached workout every Tuesday night the entire… Read more »

FLRC’s February Track Meet Hosts Fast 5000m and More

Our second track meet of 2024 was once again a big success, with 199 athletes and numerous spectators. This month, 12 teams competed, and we racked up 427 event participations. Full results are available on the FLRC website, and we have photos in our public album from Abigail Silva and Jay Hubisz—contribute yours too! (Photos below… Read more »

Amidst Other Fast Times, Hartshorne Masters Mile Runner Breaks W85 American Record

Continuing the tradition, the Finger Lakes Runners Club organized the 55th annual Hartshorne Memorial Masters Mile at Cornell University’s Barton Hall on January 13, 2024, playing host to 67 local and elite masters runners from the Ithaca area, the Northeast, and throughout the US and Canada. Six heats of the mile were contested, with fast… Read more »

FLRC’s January 21 Meet Kicks Off the 2024 Indoor Track Season

Our first track meet of 2024 is in the books, with some smoking-fast times and impressive jumps. We had 216 runners, including 11 teams, competing in 477 events. Full results are available on the FLRC website, and we have photos in our public album from Jamie Love and Jay Hubisz—contribute yours, too! (Photos below each… Read more »

FLRC and High Noon Post Highest PGXC Cup Ranking in 2023

Now that we’ve had our post-season PGXC party with runners and family members, it’s time to share the highlights from the final season results. (To see the series results at Run4Results, select 23 for the year, click Individual, Teams by AG, or Cup, and then click Submit.) First, as I noted at the party, I write… Read more »