The Color Run 5K – Binghamton

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Seasoned runners and first-timers alike will enjoy this family-friendly 5K that’s been dubbed The Happiest 5K on the Planet!


For those who have never seen The Color Run, imagine starting out wearing white and ending the 5K course looking like a rainbow. The event promotes wellness and individuality through a series of color zones where amazing volunteers toss color (non-toxic, colored cornstarch) onto the participants. There are no clocks keeping track of how long it takes you to run or walk the course and it is common to see a toddler enjoying the event in a stroller. While timing is not a component at this 5K, what is important is the goals that people set and the fun feeling of accomplishment in reaching them. This event fits well with the mission at the Mental Health Association where they strive to break down damaging stigma and celebrate individual abilities. “We are thrilled to host The Color Run again this year and look forward to giving participants a chance to experience the sense of community in such a colorful way,” says Keith W. Leahey, Executive Director at MHAST.