Written by: FLRC Secretery Nanncy Kleinrock
Thanks to all FLRC members who voted in the just-concluded election. The 2019 board of directors will consist of the following volunteers (note that one nominee has since withdrawn from consideration due to a timing conflict):
Co-President: Denice Cassaro
Co-President: Sue Aigen
Executive VP: Charlie Fay
VP Trails: Gary McCheyne
VP Roads: Alan Lockett
VP Track: Adam Engst
Treasurer: Mike Allinger
Secretary: Nancy Kleinrock
Lesa Carter
Peter Dady
Tonya Engst
Jullien Flynn
Emily Funk
Pete Kresock
Daniel Longaker
Steve Shaum
Mickie Sanders-Jauquet
Gerrit Van Loon
Bill Watson
Moreover, a winner has emerged for 2018 Volunteer of the Year and will be announced at the 2019 Annual Meeting to be held this winter. Stay tuned for details.
Happy holidays and happy trails!