The Fillmore 5K is canceled for 2022 to allow the race directors and members of our running family to attend the Mass and celebration of life for lifetime club member and frequent volunteer Joseph Reynolds. He will be dearly missed. Joseph regularly participated in the Fillmore 5K both as a volunteer and racer. He is remembered for his childlike enthusiasm, support of other runners young and old, and the infamous cowbell he was known to ring to offer encouragement to all.
Enjoy the small-town atmosphere in this fast and flat 5K in downtown Moravia. The 3.1-mile course meanders through the village and surrounding rural area.
The 5K is one loop on village streets. The course is well-marked, well-staffed, and has one water stop midway. The Fun Run is held entirely on the Moravia Central School District track, and all fun runners receive a participation medal.
All profits benefit the Four Town First Aid Squad, Inc.
Bib pickup is at the Moravia Central School District track. There is ample free parking at the elementary school or high school, with a short walk to the track behind the elementary school.

Moravia Central School District. 68 S Main Street, Moravia, NY 13118
The 5K race starts at 9:00 AM.
Bib pick-up is from 7:45 to 8:30 AM.
The Fun Run takes place after the finish of the 5K and its awards ceremony.
- Online registration is required for the 5K.
- $25 for 5K registration. FLRC members may deduct $5.
- 5K runners 18 and under may register for free.
- The Fun Run is free to all! Parents must sign a waiver for children. Race-day registration (waiver only) for the Fun Run closes promptly at 8:45 AM.
- If financial considerations prevent you from entering this race, please contact the race director for assistance.
- Restrooms and changing facilities are available, but no showers.
- Post-race snacks and drinks will be provided.
- 5K results are available live during the race via Webscorer. Visit the FLRC Web site for full results later
- For remaining questions, contact race directors Chris Irving or Lorrie Tily (LJTily@gmail.com).
- First male and female in Open and Masters Divisions.
- Age group awards to the top male and female in the following age groups:
10 & under, 11-15, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+.
Men: Nate Lockett: 15:17 (2009)
Women: Katie Aldridge: 17:28 (2009)
- No dogs, headphones, or jogging strollers. These make the race dangerous for everyone.
- The race directors reserve the right to reject any entry for any reason.
- Entry fees are non-refundable, even if the race is canceled because of an act of nature or humankind.
- If you need accommodation for a disability to participate in this event, please contact the FLRC Diversity and Inclusion Committee chair at diversity@fingerlakesrunners.org.
- This race is organized by the Finger Lakes Runners Club and insured by the Road Runners Club of America.