September is just around the corner, and it’s time to sign up for fall cross-country races!
Cross-country is a team sport, and runs typically take place on mowed fields and easy trails. Generally speaking, scoring is based on each team member’s place in the race, so unlike most running races, there is a strong team component.
The FLRC team competes in the five-race Pete Glavin Upstate New York Cross-Country Series (PGXC). Most PGXC teams are co-ed, but men in the Ithaca area run on the High Noon team, while women run on the FLRC team. The two teams carpool together and hang out together at races, much like one co-ed team. In 2018, our teams will join forces to compete in the new PGXC Club Cup competition.
For the first time this year, men and women will run the same distances: 5K for the first race, 6K for the next three races, and 8K for the final race. You can run in all the races, some of the races, or just one.
Races take place in the broad Ithaca/Syracuse/Rochester/Buffalo area, and our home meet this year is at Taughannock State Park (don’t panic, the course is completely flat!). We typically carpool to races, and carpooling can be a great way to get to know your fellow teammates!
Each race costs $20, or you can register for the five-race series for $70 and get a hat.
Dates and details, and a signup link, are here.

We know who’s bringing the beer to the end-of-season party! Julie Barclay, Lorrie Tiley, Jen Spano, Tonya Engst, and Amy Dawson have big smiles after their team win in the 2017 Syracuse race.