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The 6.1-mile Inlet Shore Trail course uses most of downtown Ithaca’s Waterfront Trail that last year’s course didn’t get to, providing great views of both sides of the Cayuga Inlet. The course takes in both Cass Park and the Allan H. Treman State Marine Park trails and despite its urban setting, crosses no roads.
Post-run food options abound, with the most convenient being the deli at GreenStar, Purity Ice Cream (which serves lunch as well), and Ithaca Bakery. And, of course, you’re right across the street from the Finger Lakes Running Company in case you need to pick up a new pair of shoes.
Start at the GreenStar parking lot, and walk back toward the inlet by FLX Fitness, crossing the railroad tracks. (Be careful if a train comes!) The course sign is on the Waterfront Trail.

Turn-by-turn RunGo directions are available; you can view them online and download them to the RunGo app on your smartphone (iOS or Android) or Apple Watch. Alternatively, follow these basic directions on the course map:
- On the Waterfront Trail behind GreenStar and FLX Fitness, run south (away from the Farmer’s Market).
- Cross the pedestrian bridge across one arm of the inlet alongside Buffalo Street.
- At the intersection of Buffalo Street and Route 89, turn right, staying on the sidewalk on the right side of Route 89.
- Still on the sidewalk, run across the bridge over the other arm of the inlet until you get to the Cass Park Access Road on the left.
- Take a hard right to get back onto the Waterfront Trail and then turn left to head toward Cass Park.
- When you cross the little bridge near the hockey rink, take a right and follow the Waterfront Trail alongside the inlet, continuing to stay along the inlet as you go.
- Continue on the Waterfront Trail until it gets to the west side of the dog park, and then cross the road, staying on the Waterfront Trail.
- Run around the dog park back toward the lake and pick up the Treman Park Lake Loop trail.
- Run the full perimeter of the Treman Park Lake Loop (in either direction).
- Back at the dog park, follow the Waterfront Trail to go around the rink.
- Instead of crossing Route 89, take a left after the rink and follow the Waterfront Trail back to the little bridge.
- Run south again, passing under both bridges, and continuing to the turnaround point off Floral Ave.
- Turn around, run back under both bridges to where you originally got onto the Waterfront Trail from the main car bridge.
- Retrace your steps across the bridge to Buffalo Street, and then back on the Waterfront Trail to the start/finish.