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The 4.0-mile Cornell Botanic Gardens Beebe Lake course encompasses some of last year’s Cornell Botanic Gardens course through the scenic F. R. Newman Arboretum, but it also extends through the Wildflower Garden and then goes around Beebe Lake.
Your closest post-run food options are the Cornell Dairy Bar, known for its ice cream, and Martha’s Cafe in Martha Van Rensselaer Hall.
Start at the first parking bay in the Newman Arboretum after entering from Caldwell Road. The course is essentially two loops connected in the middle, and you can run it in either direction.

Turn-by-turn RunGo directions are available; you can view them online and download them to the RunGo app on your smartphone (iOS or Android) or Apple Watch. Alternatively, follow these directions on the course map:
- Head east on Arboretum Road. At the intersection, turn left onto the trail and head down through the woods to Weeping Willow Road.
- Run along Weeping Willow Road until it intersects with itself. Take a left and quick right onto the trail that runs along the top of the ridge and the edge of the field.
- At the end of the trail, rejoin Arboretum Road and head up the steep hill from last year’s course.
- Run around Arboretum Road, going around the outside of the circle, and turn left when it intersects with itself.
- Run down the hill to the starting point.
- Rather than stay on Arboretum Road, follow the trail that angles over to the intersection of Caldwell Road and Forest Home Drive.
- At that intersection—beware of cars!—cross the road into the driveway for the Wildflower Garden and run down it to the Cornell Botanic Gardens Service Building.
- Pick up the Wildflower Garden trail there and follow it up the stairs and over to Judd Falls Road.
- Cross Judd Falls Road at the crosswalk—watch for cars!—and turn right to run down Judd Fall Road to McIntyre Place.
- Turn left on McIntyre Place and run down until it intersects with Forest Home Drive.
- Cross Forest Home Drive and turn right to pick up the Beebe Lake trail.
- Run all the way around Beebe Lake counter-clockwise, crossing the bridge at the bottom of the lake by the falls and heading up toward Forest Home Drive.
- At Forest Home Drive, take a left and run on the sidewalk back toward the start, making sure to stay on the sidewalk at first and then heading down into the trail that hugs Forest Home Drive—don’t run on the road.
- Back at the intersection with McIntyre Place, retrace your steps through the Wildflower Garden to the start, being careful when crossing the roads and running down the stairs, which can be slippery when wet.